Closing the Year with Intention not Exhaustion​

As I write this newsletter to you I am in disbelief that we are already in the second week of November, contemplating the arrival of the festive season and the year-end.

Is it just me or does time pass faster the older you get?  Where has the year gone?

The last couple of months have seen some intense and incredible international and local work for me, as well as the launch of my new website, delivery of my new workshop (A Beautiful Revolution), and wonderful personal developments.  I feel as though life could hardly be better, but I am also reminded what a journey we are all on and how life never ceases to amaze, challenge and surprise us. I’m sure you all have stories that reinforce this sentiment.

Everywhere I have been these last few weeks I have noticed the same conversation taking place around me.  People are complaining about ‘limping’ until the end of the year, suffering from burnout and exhaustion. I’m sure many of us can relate to this.  But I have also been hearing a common theme spoken about which is around the need for us all to commit to living our lives with intention. This comes up repeatedly and it is worth focussing on this at a time when we approach that stage of reflection and re-evaluation of the year that was, the life we have led, the decisions we have made, and the relationships we have grown.

The one thing I have definitely learned this year, and keep learning almost daily, is that being intentional with the work we do, the language we use, the way we treat others around us, and the approach we take to our leadership is paramount in securing a continued meaningful, authentic and enriched life.

We can’t control everything around us, but we have a choice in terms of how we choose to live, how we choose to love, and how we impact those around us.

I think I will sit with that and would ask you to do the same as we head into the sunset stage of 2019.

As always, I look forward to hearing from and working with many of you soon.  

Create your own ripples and be the change you wish to see.


The Things We Learn!


New Website Launch