Level Headed Leadership - How to Guide Your Team In Times Of Crisis

As we all prepare to bunker down and take the necessary precautions and appropriate steps to minimise the spread of the COVID-19 Virus in the aftermath of the declaration by the World Health Organisation that we are now facing a worldwide pandemic, it is paramount that we as individuals, organisations, communities and leaders be our best selves.

With crisis comes the opportunity to respond to and manage change in a dynamic, agile and innovative way. We have a choice. We can give in to the doom and gloom narrative and abandon all hope, or we can roll our sleeves up and embrace the opportunity to do things differently, lead with strength, character and long term vision, and mobilise others to manage these ever-changing times with an acceptance that what we are facing is temporary and an experience we can learn so much from.  

I have pulled together the lessons and tools I have built over a 25-year career of international humanitarian work and crisis response, and, together with Suzanne Waldron who is a trusted colleague, crisis counsellor and behavioural modification expert, we are offering a 2-hour workshop,  "Leading Through A Crisis", for your internal leadership teams.

This workshop will cover:

  • the skills needed to respond with agility and vision at times of high pressure;

  • how to harness our individual, collective and company stories to mobilise teams to continue to perform effectively in uncertain conditions; and

  • leading the change through the creation of working environments where new opportunities can be pursued safely and confidently.

Leading Through A Crisis can be delivered in small in-house groups, or via video conference, to best equip you and your colleagues to lead courageously, effectively and calmly through this volatile time for all.

If you would like to discuss this offering and you think your leadership team would benefit from this work please get in touch with me as soon as possible. I have already had a significant interest in this service and will begin rolling it out early next week.


Leading Through A Crisis: A 3 Hour Workshop For Leaders


When Our Needs Are Met - We Thrive!