Start as we mean to go on

As we commence the Lunar New Year I’d like to wish all my friends, colleagues and like-minded souls a joyful, peaceful, successful and prosperous New Year. As this will be the year of the pig, which was the year I was born (1971), I am particularly excited to see what the next 12 months will bring and I am full of optimism and ready to kick some major goals.

Rather than making new year’s resolutions, I prefer to reflect on the year that was, remind myself what I did well and what I need to focus on doing better in the year to come. I look at this from a holistic perspective – as a storyteller, change maker, thought leader, mother, daughter and friend. I find this ‘ reflect and re-set ’ exercise incredibly gratifying and empowering. Perhaps it’s something you’d like to try – it’s not too late.

One of the things I identified in my ‘reflect’ that I needed to focus on better was creating boundaries – in my professional and personal life. You see, like many of us, I am a giver and a people pleaser. I love to serve and help others. Nothing gives me more joy. But I have done so, at times, to the expense of myself and my loved ones.

As someone who is known for their humanitarian, philanthropic and community work, I find myself in a very honoured and privileged position where I am often called upon to help, advise, and empower others. However, from time to time I have found that the countless hours and days I have dedicated to my pro bono work, all of which has been for and with well-deserving individuals and organisations, has resulted in me paying less attention to my family, maintaining and growing my business and my own health and wellbeing.

So, as one of my mentors once advised me to do, this must be the year that I start using the words ‘no’ and ‘not at this time’ as boundary words. In the long run, this will allow me to keep doing good, serving others, preserving the value of my time and loving in a more sustainable way.

Does this resonate with you?  I think at the very least we could all do with a little reflect and re-set!

Sending my warm wishes to you all.  Be kind to yourselves, to each other and celebrate all that is good in your life and in our world.


Are you brave enough?


A time to reflect